MECE 4331 - Design of Machine Elements (Design 2)

I hope you signed up with Dr. Thomas! This dude is great. He works in this engineering field, he's knowledgable about it, he won't treat you like a piece of ignorant shit if you ask a question. Genuine good dood. He's reasonable in that if you have a good argument as to why you were correct about something, he will listen and consider you point, unlike other professors. He teaches because he loves it. It definitely ain't for the money...

Yes, thats per year... He also works for Technip/FMC or FMC Legacy or some such. HE LETS YOU HAVE A COMPUTER ON THE TEST. No internet or Matlab of course. 

Anyway, if you aren't taking him, may God have mercy on your soul.

This class contains a group project which is a good bit of your final grade. There are also 2 exams with your group project design being the final exam. He made the exams himself so there is no test bank for them. Though again, because he makes them himself, he messes up, so if you have good argument for why you are right, he will listen.

As for the project, they make that up too. The boxes we needed to build our project around were poorly built by the TAs and not available all of the time. 

In the dropbox you get:

Exam Cheat sheets
Helpful stuff I found on the web
Textbook and solutions manual
lecture slides
Project Rubric and poorly made box pictures
And lots of class notes


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